zero gravity and sega are a awesome combation

User Rating: 9.6 | F-Zero GX GC
today i will review the newest F-Zero game sega devoled nintendo puplished it.

lets start with graphics

grapics-bottom line great cartooney visuals fells awesome goin to the awesome speed that FZGX delivers and this game has great track design

sound-sounds are good but music not so much kinda bland ithink this was area was rushed or i don't like japeanse music give sound 7/10

diffcuty:this game can be hard really hard if you not good at raceing games you will have a diffuclt job beating this game so i giveing it a 9/10

wrapup:buy it you wont put it down easyly and over 2000 miles per hour one of the better racers game out there.