Looks beautiful but it is HARD!

User Rating: 8.2 | F-Zero GX GC
F-Zero has climbed into the Gamecube, and the graphics were taken total and complete advantage of! It's just so bloody HARD!

The gameplay is even more intense than it's predecesor! The speed has been jacked up and the violence even more sudden and unexpected! The game has added a new storyline mode for Falcon, but has taken away the sometimes quite entertaining Death Race. Another missing aspect is the X-cup, in which the tracks are NEVER the same! This game also has a severe drawback, it is VERY HARD! New players will naturally have difficulty mastering novice, but experienced player will have extreme difficulty even placing in the top 10 on hard! The addition of custom racers is a relative waste of space, and the storyline mode is nearly impossible, even on the first difficulty! And finishing first is NEVER worth it! The characters are all terribly voiced with incredibly bad lines! You'll feel the need to projectile vomit for every racer's quote!

The tracks are beautifully rendered and the environments are always on the move. Seein nature's law of there's always a bigger fish on the desert level is kind of entertaining the first few times. The racers are all detailed extremely well and the racers are even visible in the cockpits, steering...but that's it.

The music has been redone yet again, with a new soundtrack of perfectly done rock and metal! The racers also have a newly refined engine noise with futuristic jet bursts to boot!

Very fast, and very hard. It's a good game, but be prepared to freak out over the difficulty and terrible racer personalities!