Yay, I can race against opponents whose performance is based on my own!

User Rating: 4.3 | F-Zero GX GC
This game is... well. Okay, if you go buy this game you may enjoy it for a little while. But someone who really likes racing games, and learns quickly how AI works will be annoyed by it. Here's the deal. The game looks great. The tracks look phenomenal. Your opponents are cheap as all hell. They do not seem to abide by the same rules as you do. In fact, they are a function of your performance on the track. It's like... why have opponents if they are not their own entities? What they have done is basically make it so your opponents speed is directly proportional to your own. They randomly will pull ahead of you and fall behind (even though you are at the maximum speed) as though they are just toying with you. The ONLY way to win a race is to use your Turbo right at the end, crossing the finish line with it on. If it goes off they will immediately pass you since you are now returning to normal speed. This to me is totally retarded. You are not rewarded for your skill vs. theirs. You are left only with trying to improve your lap times, which is just not enough for me. I want an immersive competitiveness between the drivers and it just does not deliver at all. This game to me is just another "unlock grind" where you are supposed to be slaved to the screen farming all the unlockables for hours on end, because yes folks, unlockables = replayability, according to every game manufacturer out there. Sorry, we were talking about F-zero. Vitals! Gameplay 3: A monkey could see the patterns in the AI. Other than racing around beautiful futuristic tracks this game has nothing to offer. Graphics 9: This game is gorgeous. Borrow it from a friend, check out the cool tracks, then give it back! Sound 7: Nothing spectacular here. But it works. Value 5: Hey, nice tracks! Other than farming unlockables this game has 0 replayability. Reviewer's Tilt 2: I hate this game!