It showed the way all future rpg's would take. A TOTAL classic.

User Rating: 8.6 | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder PC
The most wonderful thing about this game? it was the very first to put you right in the middle of the action scene. In others rpg's at that time, you were told that you were in a creepy dungeon, it was dark, etc., but in EOB you WERE in the dungeon, monsters could attack you from the front, the back and even your sides! In a time were graphics were silly compared to today's standars, EOB could take me away from this world and totally absorb me into a dungeon full of monsters, with only 4 characters as companions.
The box, the manual, and even the menus you see when you first play the game, show an incredible art, that haven't been seen in other games.
This game teached us how rpg's had to be made. I spent a lot of joyfull hours playing this game when i was a kid. And this post is a salute to the father of all RPGs.