Quite possibly the worst game I've ever played.

User Rating: 2 | Expect No Mercy PC
First I would like to say the following: "Stay as far away as possible from this game!".

Now let's see why you should stay away from this stinkbomb at all costs...

The game is based on the movie of the same name and the premise stays the same somewhat. You are a secret operative infiltrating the "Virtual Arts Academy" desguised as a new recruit to rescue a fellow spy. This academy teaches new recruits how to fight using "Virtual Reality" and trains them to become assassins.

The game goes down the crap lane as soon as you view the first (horribly and painfully acted) cutscene. After that you character straps on a VR helmet and off to battle we go. The first thing you realize is that this is a fighting game advertised as having over ten characters yet you MUST play as the protagonist (thats right only one playable character). The second thing to trigger you gag reflex is the horrbile back drops on which you fight these VR opponents (there are "real" enemies later on in the game). The backdrops are unoriginal and don't fight in with a fighting theme (a circus, a baby's room and a stale metal plated box.) Then you realize that character design was an after thought in creating this game (if there was indeed any thought involved in the creation process) since you fight a evil-looking clown, a femme-fatale with claws, a burly military type and guy that can only be described as ugly.

The when your gravol kicks in and you think you can handle it, the controls scheme slaps you back to reality. The are some of the worst controls I have ever witnessed. I am not talking about the key mapping as they can be mapped as you wish. What I am referring to is the fact that there only to buttons used for attack, kick and punch with two variations on each depending whether you're going forward or backing up. Did I mention you need to hit BOTH buttons to block (controls aren't very responsive either and are crippled by bugs some of which will even go as far as throwing a punch when you hit the kick button).

Once you manage to show your skill at using these 8 moves (did I mention there was no special moves?) and beat an opponent you get the chance to pull a finisher on him (An obvious attempt to cash in on the popularity of games like Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct at the time). This wouldn't be so bad if you weren't limited to one finisher consisting of your character jumping over the other guy and kicking his heart out. This is not even satisfying the first time you see it.

The graphics and sounds are, as you would expect, horrible. Characters are pixelated to the point where movement is sometimes impossible to see. The game is littered with crappy little FMVs made to "immerse" you in this great VR world. One funny thing to point out is that this game wins the "milking chracter models" crown. There are litterally five characters in this game made from the same model (a ninja? what a surprise!) but in different colors (another Mortal Kombat cash-in technique). Sounds are overly repetitive and the midi music is horrible. '

All in all, this game is horrible and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
(never buy games for the box art guys...) If you fin a copy of this game, destroy it, lest if falls in the hands of anti-gaming activists (they would have a compelling argument with this game in hand...).