Excite Truck lacks depth but if your looking for a fun multiplayer game then it's an okaky buy, but that depends.

User Rating: 7.1 | Excite Truck WII
If you think you going to get difficulty from this game you can rest assured it's pretty easy to blow through takes less than 15 hours to complete all the modes. While not short it's on the light side. If however you just like to pick up and play with something that isn't to complicated then this is the game for you it's simple and fun in short bursts and if your looking for a long fix then you better hope that you have two controllers. The multi-player aspect of the game is just one which is a head to head challenge and as mentioned in the GS review there will only be 2 cars no AI just you and your friend. Simple but there are some good times in this mode especially if the person your facing off against has the same level of skill you do. One thing I really have to mention in the music which is really bad; thankfully though the game does allow the use of your own mp3 music saved on to an SD card which is quite a nice feature however one bad thing is that you can only listen to your tracks while your racing and not while your scrolling through the menus. Overall the game is okay while it doesn't impress with it's graphics it works surprisingly well with the control scheme and if the Big N makes a sequel with more extensive options and some more impressive crashes and a map editor then this game could become to Nintendo what Burnout is to EA.