its actually okay!

User Rating: 7 | Excite Truck WII
excite truck is a game where you hold the wiimote side ways and turn it like a car wheel. its fun because you can do tricks and earn points. the 3 problems about this game is 1. when you turn your wiimote to the front than your car will go crazy! 2. the graphics are ok but they could've made it better. 3. the sound on your wii mote can get a bit scratchy and all weird. but this game is still fun. i bet that you can have lots of fun with this game. especially the multiplayer because you wanna beat your friends and the game gets all hyped up suddenly, which makes the game more fun to me. i recommend you to buy this game or rent it if its not your type. its a great game for a party. i give it a 7.0 out of 10.