Underestimated superb game that's essential to try!

User Rating: 10 | Evil West PS5
I don't know why it is not 10, but I - as a very rigid criticizer would proudly say that this is an essential super interesting and satisfying game that's 100% worth trying! Points that makes this game essential: 1) super interesting gameplay 2) super interactive fights that require smart use of each gadgets 3) very juicy fights 4) excellent sound effects 5) each bosses are super fun to fight 6) challenge is exactly what you need 7) rechargeable bullets! That makes the gameplay focus on fights (not spending time on searching boring bullets) 8) each gadgets are uniquely fun to use 9) very entertaining upgrades 10) each level design is superb and in a great variety! 11) great physics 12) each enemies are very fun to fight against 13) great mix of melee and ranged fights