User Rating: 4.7 | EverQuest Online Adventures PS2
I beta tested this game and became quite bored at about the same time that I became too frustrated with server crashes. I then received a Demo copy with 7 days of free service. I was pleased to see that server issues don't seem to be a problem, but the game is still plain boring. I am an avid console RPG'r and I find EQOA to be a hard stretch to classify as an RPG. There is absolutely no history or background to talk about in the game, you can't talk to most of the NPC's, and the quests are about as simple as they are lame. Furthermore, there is next to no abiltity to customize anything; basically everyone of the same level has the same clothing/armor and weapons/spells. The concept of MMORPG is awesome, but game falls quite short on living up to any promises. I'm sure I logged over 30 hours this week just to be sure my opinion was founded and simply put, just don't waste your time or money with this game. Also, if you do choose to buy this game, just go ahead and buy a USB keyboard because the only thing that is worse than playing EQOA for 30 straight hours is playing EQOA for 30 straight hours without a keyboard (EXTREMELY frustrating).