Eve Tyrannis is NOT your typical MMORPG, by saying that its both good and bad.

User Rating: 9 | EVE Online: Tyrannis PC
So in Eve Tyrannis you first start by customizing your character through a series of beautiful custom character setting. I have to say these are some of the best customization for a character i've seen to date. You can literally just click on an ear, and move it to its destined location, and this goes for every body part.

After you have made your character you jump right into the game, for first time-ers I highly recommend you go through the tutorial because this game is not a pick up and play. It might take you roughly 1-2 hours just to get what you are doing but once you do its worth it in every way.

This is a point a click MMORPG but in its own way. You can Warp to over 65,000 different planets and solar systems mixed throughout the game, with lots of exploration. I just found myself warping to different locations to just see what they offer.

Grinding in this game is a little different than your typical MMORPG, by that I mean you wont be killing stuff over and over but mining for different types of rocks and metals in asteroid belts. So be ready to click a rock and watch a laser shoot it for 2-5 minutes.

The beauty of this game though is the ship customization and the bots you can get. So after roughly 5-6 hours you are awarded your first ship. This first ship depends on the class you chose to be a the beginning of the game. You can add new mining laser or add different guns for battle, maybe but a new CPU in the system to handle grinding a bit better. Eve Tyrannis isnt short of customization.

So if your looking for a great MMORPG for roughly $20.00 minus the monthly fee, this is a great jump into the series of updates that Eve has seen.