Explore the labyrinth, fight the enemy, and draw a map to continue the adventure, welcome to Etrian Odyssey!

User Rating: 9.5 | Sekaiju no Meikyuu DS
An old style but addictive turn based RPG, yeah that is my first impression when I start to play this game. First time starting exploring labyrinth, I yell out "wow how hard is this game!" and the hard difficulty itself what make me can't stop playing this game every day. Etrian Odyssey didn't have main character, which means we customize our own characters, and even build our own guild. The best part of this game is where we must draw our own map with stylus. So in one time, we explore the labyrinth, fighting enemy, and drawing map. Many job classes here, so we can pick our favorite one. Etrian Odyssey is a must play for dungeon crawler gamer. Last but not least, Atlus really done their job very well this time, every true RPG player must be like Etrian Odyssey, that's why I gave this game a superb rating.