The game takes the gratefulness of having a pre made map taken away from you which I thought was pretty interesting.

User Rating: 9 | Sekaiju no Meikyuu DS
The game is awesome and some of the multiplayer features sucked. Oh wait, ther were no multiplayer features. But however, no matter what the cause is that people think it sucks, it is still a great game and if i could reformat it, i would include more multiplayer. However, i love the fact that you have no map to go by. Though you do have a map, it is at first a really small map. Not that big though. It becomes big when you start to map out the labrynith. And the skills make it almost impossible to have the same indentical character in the game. But back to the intro, sometimes i just wanted to scribble all over the map:). I think the storyline plot was very interesting, and I'm not finished with the game yet. My brother thinks the game is crappy because it's too hard for him. He's still stuck strying to survive level two. The graphics are somewhat incredible. But overall, the game was great. I gave the game a 9 becaise of the fact that you slowly ever gain points. Though it was still fun, it also was