Nice looking game--BEAUTIFULLY DONE.But wait...

User Rating: 6 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume X360
As is the case with most Japanese RPG's they suck you in for about the first 3-5 hours and then frustrate you to no end with constant repetitive encounters. Up until that confusing fortress, I was actually into this one. Then I read what I had to do (typical...go SW down a ladder press switch, go back etc etc) and I tried to follow the difficult directions (can you believe this game does not have an in map system) that's right your walking around blind. Too bad cause the game has style and the music is great too. For me those types of rpg's (Blue Dragon included) do not give me anymore pleasure like in the days of SNES,
the gaming market has changed and RPG's of old are dead, games like Oblivion, Halo are in.

In the end like Blue D, I lost my patience and put on Halo3 again, the way a game is supposed to be played and enjoyed!