What a beautiful dream...

User Rating: 9 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume X360
This game is so beautiful it makes you feel like you really entered Chopin's dream. Poor Chopin on his death bed. At least he gets to have one last exciting dream.

You get to play a wide range of characters, who have their own unique objective to accomplish in the game that ties in with the story. Don't worry you get to play Chopin too!

The battle system is a real-time/turn-based hybrid, which really works for this game. They also use a light and dark concept that makes the battles alot more fun. Depending on if your in the light or dark your characters will have different special abilities. This also goes for some of the enemies so watch out and pay attention to the sunlight and shade. Once your character moves you only have a short amount of time to exacute your attacks. However, before you move your character you have an unlimited amount of time to plan out your strategy.

The graphics are amazing and the environment is so beautiful. It leaves you wanting to explore your environment more, but your very limited. The music is wonderful and also this game will teach you alittle music appreciation.