More than just a pretty soundtrack - Eternal Sonata is worthy to follow the legacy of Tales of Symphonia.

User Rating: 10 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume X360
Eternal Sonata is a one of a kind game, the first thing that attracted me to it was its Turn based-Real time hybrid combat. It reminded me of Tales of Symphonia, but simpler. Sans different combos and button sequences, timing and skill are what matter in this game. The further you progress, the better you get at timing your attacks just right. I found the Light/Dark concept to be refreshing, the battle never gets stale as it (and your enemy) change depending on your positioning.
Obviously one of the main selling points of the game is its beautiful soundtrack. I normally mute the television and play one of my cds while I play games, but Eternal Sonata's music is worth listening to, and unlike almost all RPG's - It does not get old.