Great and gorgeous game to pick up if your an rpg fan.

User Rating: 8.5 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume X360
Great and gorgeous game to pick up if your an rpg fan. Combat is easy to get the hang of but it also keeps challenging you as your party level increases. The amount of characters and special attacks they have are various and help keep gameplay fresh. My favorite character had to be Salsa; she had a big punch wrapped in a small package and was great for dealing damage and powering up the harmony chain. Levels and character design in this game are simply put gorgeous. I've played on both regular and HD with this and with both your getting your money's worth graphically. Levels are numerous and intricate with various monsters to fill them. In the levels as youfight light and dark factor in how monsters will attack and how you will also. All in all Eternal Sonata is a good game to have for us few rpg fans who have a 360. Although the story and character dialogue can sometimes be a bit monotonous I think its worth a buy.

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