ET FFS phone **** home already!!

User Rating: 2 | E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial 2600
I hope you all remember that little cute creature called ET. Because i murdered him last night, i could not take anymore of his disastrous game. ET: the extra terrestrial is like my ex in bed, slow, and not worth the money. The punishing difficulty, the eye straining graphics, the annoying sound effects; this all adds up to the game that nearly destroyed the games industry. Its that bad. Its so horrifying that it makes babies cry. FFS it made me cry. On the packaging it should have said: buy this game and ET will shove his glowy little finger up your furry ass. I shall give the person who completes this game my extremely large porn collection, they deserve it after the horrors that ET gave them. Even god would be scared **** of this game, by god even chuck norris would be horrified. YES thats right even chuck norris. If it makes chuck norris puke imagine what it would do to you! The bottom line is, if you buy this game you are digging your own grave, stay away from et: the extra terrestrial