Enthusia could've been a great simulator, but the controls just don't work well enough.

User Rating: 5.5 | Enthusia Professional Racing PS2
Some people are going to hate on me and constantly tell me that "I'm not playing the game properly" when I tell you that Enthusia's controls suck. Really bad. I mean, it's got all of the content that a racing game lover could ever possibly want, but your car either truns too sharply, doesn't turn sharply enough, or slows down way too much when you try to turn.

From my personal experience, if you don't handbrake around a corner in Enthusia, you drive straight into the nearest wall. That makes sense. The problem is, my opponents in this game never use their handbrakes, and seem to zip around the corners perfectly well and with no slowdown. How is that even possible!? I try to trun, I slow down, and if I don't use handbrake, I slow down evren more because my car won't turn sharply enough and I crash! That's not even fair! What went wrong during the development process of this game!?

Now, Enthusia got a ton of things rigt as well. For example, there are a ton of tracks to be unlocked and raced on, and there are so many cars that you can hardly choose which one you want! On top of that, the game implements a comprehensive sytem that allows you to either browse all cars, or change every little aspect and detail in a search engine for the perfect car tailored just the way you like it. It's so great to have that many options that you can find anything you want perfectly. Also, the game has a very advanced and well-structured career mode that works very well.

In the end, Enthusia has done a ton of things right. Its got everything a racer fan could wish for content-wise. The only thing that really drags the whole experience down is the sad fact that the controls are a complete and utter abomination. Still, if you want to give the game a go and you think you'll love it, I very highly recommend you rent it first, instead of buying it right away like I did...