Worst Quake ever and if you though MK vs DC was disgrace look at this

User Rating: 1.5 | Enemy Territory: Quake Wars PC

If you played spend your child hood playing Quake or in my case Quake 2 you would have high hopes for a game taking place before some the best fps title . sure I new it would not have been as fun as Quake 2 or 4 hell even 3 but
it plays to much like ET:RTCW which is not a bad thing if the game had a story mode like Quake 2 and Quake 4 and Quake 1 but since it's just Online with no epic feeling and they made it rated T(13-15+ for UK and Europe) you would be very disappointed this means no more gore
10/10 Video Card looks sharp
2/10 Gameplay it's boring and rip from ET:RTCW
1/10 Story there is like a 30 sec of the story of the intro
overall 3.5 nothing but trash .
a disgrace to any other Quake Game out there
do not play in hope to remind you of the good old days of Quake 1/2/3.