Ello... First gane like this I played for the IPhone

User Rating: 8 | Eliminate Pro IOS
Well the graphics seem to lack. The controls are annoying if even possible to control. So far only about 6 areas.

But its a nice game for the IPhone. Sure it lags at times (trust me) and the controls get frustrating yet you get use to the game after a few matches. But best of all it's "Free". I can't say much for the other shooting/RPG's.

There is no plot, just shoot or be shot at and level up. Before the game took 4 hours just to recharge for another match or two. Now it does it every 2 hours (it was 1 hour for me, guess I leveled up too much).

Not much can be said can there? It's just a basic shooting game. Well true but ...
that's it in my case. If there were more games like this (For Free) then I would rate it lower. But this game is worth it siince you don't spend a dime. It sort of reminded me of the 1st Playstation's shooting games.

In conclusion, if your bored or just wanted to get a shooting game this is it.