Avatar Genie Pro Review

User Rating: 7 | E x E (Crescent Original Cassette) PC

We will focus on how Avatar Genie Pro uses its function to help you with a stunning personal look on the Internet. First, take a look at the dashboard. What you see now is the action “Create New Avatar” on your left-hand side. You choose the gender if your character is male or female. Afterward, the dashboard will display a set of various poses such as Arms Folded, Featuring, Pointing (Up/Down/Right/Left). Here you can choose those positions that you feel most interesting then give your character a name to remember.

Now we move on to some more steps of the avatar making process. We previously choose the positions of the avatar, now choose its skin color, hair style and color, face and lastly eye color. Each of the features provides you with various options to follow. The last step is to choose the clothes for your avatar. You do the same as what you have done you, starting from the top of the avatar and then the bottom, then move to the accessories. Some sets of clothes can be optional unless you choose separate clothes.
