Worst. Dynasty Warriors. Ever. Really just all around bad...

User Rating: 2 | Shin Sangoku Musou MultiRaid Special X360
I've always been a big Dynasty Warriors fan, so I was somewhat excited to try playing this new installment in the series; that excitement ended once I did. Dynasty Warriors has always been a hit-or-miss game for people. Some love it, and some hate it. But even if you are a fan of the series, as I am, you WILL hate this game. It is basically just falt-out bad. Koei seems to have completely cast aside the formula it has used for years that many of us have come to love (or loathe...) The concept for Strikeforce is somewhat interesting I must say. You play as just one character as in the others, but you can have up to 3 allies who will follow you around. Not a bad idea, and somewhat helpful at times. The problems is that your allies suck... Not only that, but all the enemies are insanely overpowered. Rather than the traditional "kill everything that moves", you can only kill a small amount of enemies. Where in previous Dynasty Warriors you could probably kill well over 1,000 enemies on easy. In Strikeforce though, you will kill maybe 100 (if you're lucky) on easy. The officers are somewhat ridiculous. Koei added in an "ultra mode" where officers (including player character and allies) turn into something that resembles a Super Saiyan form Dragonball Z. All this power seems to do is make you move faster, and drain your Musou; it is basically worthless. Another downfall is the new battle system. Rather than the traditional battlefiled with the armies squaring of, it is just you and you allies fighting the entire enemy army on a map that is divided into multiple small sections with loading screens in between... All I can really say is this game is pretty bad.

Recommendation: DO NOT buy/rent/ or whatever unless it is for like $10. If you've already bought, I would suggest trading it in now to get as much money for it as you can.