This Game deserves more recognition, a true modern gem!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dynasty Warriors 7 X360
The Dynasty Warriors series often goes unnoticed in the states, (Usually buried under the million or so FPS copies that come out every month.) which is unfortunate for the modern gamer. What few games seem to forget way too often is how to be fun and remain true to what they are. Dynasty Warriors had always stayed true to it's hack n slash style being welcoming to both fans and newcomers.

Dynasty Warriors 7 adds not only a new way to enjoy the story mode, but a fourth Kingdom faction, Jin, to the fight. With the return of old favorite and new likable characters, Dynasty Warriors 7 adds with them new/old types of weapons to bring devastation to you enemies; as well as, having the option to change these weapons in battle, adding new ways to get the drop on those that cross your path.

There is some bad points in this game like the overall difficulty being rather easy, and little bit repeating quest in the chronicle mode and repeating stages in story mode; however, it's not really anything that bothers me at all. The story fallows the history and Romance of the Three Kingdoms fairly, while still telling their own story for each kingdom; the stories keeps focused on the main characters while at the same time give some of the other characters roles. Though they did keep a lot of the new characters out of the main story and gave them small stories in Chronicles Mode, it would have been nice for each characters to have a Story that took place within the era, and not necessarily be just about the force as a whole, but the characters themselves. (Like in Dynasty Warriors 5's Story Mode.)

In the end, it's a great game with small flaws that is a must have for everyone's video game library.