Dynasty Warriors 6 was a great addition to the series. This game is great for anyone who is a fan of the series of game

User Rating: 7.5 | Shin Sangoku Musou 5 X360
Dynasty warriors 6 offered a few new things to the Dynasty warriors franchise other than just better looking graphics. They also added the ability to swim, break down gates and many more things. Though not a big step as a game, it is pretty fresh compared to all of the other Dynasty Warriors game. The new unlimited attack is a great way to chain up special attacks and to just show off your character. Although they had cut out a few characters from the previous Dynasty Warrior games they had improvised by adding a different leveling system for the characters. The max level is now level 50. You get alternate costumes once you hit a certain lvl. There isn't an online play, but instead an online ranking for the extra challenge mode. There is a few glitches and the game won't last a long time to anyone who isn't the fan of the series. The game gets boring after a week or so since you quickly start to notice there are many similarities to the previous games. The new features they added weren't as useful as people had thought they were. So I recommend this game to fans for Dynasty Warriors but not to hardcore gamers.