One of the best hack n slash to date, well, other than Dynasty Warriors 5.

User Rating: 9.4 | Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends PS2
Now, we all have experienced Dynasty Warriors in the past. With the first one being a actual fighting game instead of action adventure like 2 and 3. Now it's time for 4, xtreme legends. Now this is one of those games were it's easy to pick up, but it's hard to just put down. You can pop this in your ps2, and play it for hours and have nothin but endless fun with it, without stopping. But let's get to the review. First off, Graphics, very good looking, detailed and nice looking enviroments with a lot of crates. Crates and containers with power-ups in them that look strange, but give you the upper hand in a battle. Even though with some of these character's, it's kinda hard to not actually not to beat the living snot out of every single npc there. The bosses are easy enough, when they're on easy, anything higher, and they might prove a challenge. But as far as graphics go, it's very nice and is very lovely to look at, in my opinion at least. Now onto the Gameplay, very superb, very, very good gameplay. The moves are lovely to look at, and the special attacks are always a pleasure to watch as you tear through waves and waves of mindless enemies that just scream "KILL ME" as they run towards you. But it's still cool. Audio wise, ok, the voice-overs aren't as good as they should be, but the acting is pretty cliched, but as far as people getting killed and all that, excellent. Even though you can't really control your underlings when you get higher in power. I wish you could do that, but oh well. Value, it has great replay value, very memorable characters and a lot of storylines and all that. It's great multiplayer and all that. Now, overall, i love this game, and i offer anybody who loves hank n slash to pick it up.