User Rating: 8.6 | Dungeons & Dragons Heroes XBOX
Ok, first off, im not sure if Gamespot's reviewers are playing these games. First off, you dont jump into the game at level 1, you start at level 5. And another thing, TURN UP THE DIFFICULTY!!! This game seemed very easy for the first few levels, bet then me and my 3 friends turned it to hard, and the game became something baldurs gate can't come close to. Yes, the camera angle can be a pain with multiplayer, but if you decide right away who controls it, and he is semi-competant, it is not a problem at all. And how can you say that potions are not a problem at all to get? When we play multi player there is significant ninja looting ang trading going on and we still have trouble keeping people alive. Its too bad that reviewers dont think of simple ways to make a game more fun and challenging, especially with a game like D&D heros, its also too bad that bad reviews for great games really effect sales of that game, and then you lead developers to believe that Dungeon crawlers might not be popular anymore, when in fact a game like heros could sell as well if not better than anything else for the XBOX. Also, this reviewer needs to stop eating bowls of sugar for breakfast, i mean the in-engine cutscenes are longwinded, but no where near as bad as BG-Dark alliance....and what did that game get? Oh yeah, and metroid prime has to be the most overrated game on this website. Just had to throw that in there. Prime was all graphics and little gameplay. When you turn up the difficulty on heros, it becomes anything but a button masher, that is if you want to survive. Gamespot's review was poor, and i am sorry that this game is going to suffer because of it. I am willing to bet that the reviewer's multiplayer experience was ruined by playing with a bunch of knobs, and that that heavily weighed in on this unjust review.