A refreshing new style of gameplay with a Duke Nukem twist!

User Rating: 9.1 | Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project PC
Duke Nukem I, II, and III were Id's claim to fame back in the day, (The early 90's "day") and Duke Nukem 3D was one of the most revolutionary FPS's ever, right in there with Doom. A combination of the two has the possibility to be orgasmic. You'd think when 3D Realms puts the fate of this potential in another company's hands, (Remember Sonic 3D Blast for PC) that the King would be desecrated

But, surprisingly enough, this hybrid proves to be a fun new concept, almost creating a genre of its own. The gameplay is simple yet fun: Make your way through the (fairly large) level to find the keycard for the exit, all the while shooting, morphing, and kicking shotgun-wielding pig-cops, pistol-toting bipedal alligators, and giant pipebomb-chucking rats. Along with that, in each level there are 10 nukes to collect, which, when collected, upgrade your health and ammo capacity. Oh, and a babe you have to free from a bomb. (Don't worry, it's not timed)

As for the A/V part, the game's pretty good-looking and has some sweet music and sounds. The quality is great.

Beating the game on Easy, Normal, and Hard with all the nukes each unlock a respective reward. That being said, the Hard difficulty (which gives the best reward) isn't super-difficult. This is a GOOD thing. This is not the kind of game to be frustrated with.

It's a bargain bin sleeper, but you might have trouble finding it at stores, so if you can download or buy it from the 3D Realms website, do that.