Chewing bubble gum and kicking butt has never been more engaging. Duke nukem 64's excellent gameplay is just a blast!

User Rating: 9 | Duke Nukem 64 N64
In the years of Duke Nukem his games have been amazing. From the first to this Duke Nukem 64 is arguably the 3rd best N64 shooter ever. Besides Perfect Dark and Goldeneye. Duke nukem brings back his love for women, bubble gum and of course kicking some alien a** in this action packed N64 shooter! With state of the art graphics for its day and amazingly funny one liners this game is just fantaastic. If you love Duke on every other system theres no reason not to love him now and forever. Find you N64 and pop this game in.

The gameplay is what you would expect from Duke Nukem, simple shoot um up that is satisfying and fun and at the same time. The shooting is smooth and the controls are great. Though sometimes when you move it lags and leaves you in a WTF mood, But other than that turning lag it works fine and with the attachable rumble pack shooting never felt so amazingly intense. The guns are awesome as usual in this game, if you liked every other DN then youll love this ones array and aresanal of weaponary.

The story is simple, Kick some alien a** meet strippers, and just shoot everything up. And of course the awesome one-liners said by Duke have never been funnyer.

From a graphical prespective this game looks amazing for the N64. Guns look realistic and the way duke reloads looks great. Blood is great and the sound has never sounded better.

All in all this game awesome and you have your N64 buried somewhere find it and put this game back in if you have it!