Could have been so much better, if only a little more thought had been put into it!

User Rating: 1 | Driving Simulator 2012 PC
I had really quite high hopes for this game. The original had been pretty good, not brilliant, but you could see the quality trying to break through, like the sun on a miserable autumn day. There were some niggles, like the indicators not self cancelling, or the AI being at best half-witted; but most of these were prevalent in many driving games of the time, but, while these have been addressed by most; Astragon seem to have ignored these bugs, and decided to make it seem like there is more content than there actually is. During some time spent playing around with it, the main problems seem to be:
1) Indicators never self cancel
2) AI will just drive into you, and YOU get penalized
3) The AI doesn't detect indicators correctly, if you don't indicate just before turning it will penalize you for not using indicators even if they are on.
4) Graphics are really quite disappointing, very poor light levels, no light field even if lights are on.

Really, Astragon, come on. This is 2012, not 2002. Take a look around, every game has come on, bugs have been fixed. Astragon seem to be stuck in the attitude of, "that'll do", this was the attitude that killed of most British car companies. If Astragon don't start moving with the times, they will die, of this I am certain. Please improve these games; we will pay a little more for quality.