User Rating: 3.6 | DRIV3R XBOX
Unbelievable that after all this time a game gets released this unpolished and completely unfun. The character model looks like something aproxmiating tomb raider would have in 1997. A flat, barely three dimensional white upper torso with two jaggedy stiff blue tubes for legs. I think the most fun I had with the game was the first time I made the character move sideways and watched the freaky jumping jacks looking animation that was supposed to resemble running. The driving sequences are a little better, as you're not forced to look at your character, although when in car you're assaulted with gross looking pedestrians to make up for it. For those of you that enjoy completely unfair and obnoxious "do it over and over again until you luckily get it right" chase sequences, you're in for a super duper deluxe double dose amazingly lame gaming experience with this one. Like to arbitrarily lose for no apparent reason? You got it. Like to have your target in sight right in front of you and still lose? Check. Like to play the same chase over and over and over until you manage to somehow win? Thats here too. The fun factor in this game is close to zero and its a shame to see atari betting the house on such a mediocre unfun product. This game should have never left development in this state (obvious publisher rushing here) and to be fair to the publisher, looking at the state it's in now, they may as well have released it now as it probably wouldnt have gotten much better in the long run anyway. If you insist on playing Driv3r, score a copy of GTA3, scratch out the title and writer Driv3r over the top of it. You can at least delude yourself you're playing the game and have a good time doing it. I feel sorry for the reviewers that actually have to sit and play crap like this for hours on end. It took me all of 30 minutes to realize I would never ever play this craptastic pile of poo again for as long as I lived.