Crappy graphics at first, but once you see further inside the game, you will love it.

User Rating: 9 | Dream Match Tennis PC
Dream Match Tennis is a must have for any tennis fan. Despite of its bad graphics, this game offers one of the most revolutionary gameplay schemes. It'll be hard at first, but once you nailed it, you'll be fascinated by it.

The game's strongest point, is it's new timing shot making system. Unlike most tennis games, Dream Match Tennis is controlled primarily through the use of timing rather than simply the directional buttons. If I want to hit a cross-court shot, I'll have to hit the ball slightly early. If I want to hit the ball in the opposite direction, then I'll have to hit it slightly later. The directional buttons can be used to get extra angle or direction. You can aim short, for angled shots, deep, and left and right to aim closer to the lines, since the timing won't be enough to reach the lines, and that's the difficulty of the game which makes it so interesting.

Serving is also performed via correct timing, although unlike other games, this one will give you a hard time trying to nail the serving timing. Missing the shot by few milliseconds, can make the serve go out, which makes for a much more real tennis game, where it's strange that players get more than 75% in first serves. You can also speed up your first and second serve according to how much you want to risk it.

However, there are some "double faults" which prevent this game for being perfect. On the run shots are too easy to hit because you have the same accuracy and power than in a normal shot. There is no stamina in the game, so players which like defending have a slight advantage due to these two facts. Another fact is that professional players are able to ace with easiness and will probably get 30 aces per match, but this is just at higher levels of play.

To conclude, Dream Match Tennis is one of the best tennis games out there in the market which tends to be automatically rejected for its graphics, but it certainly has one of the best gameplays of all the tennis simulators, despite of the few flaws which are minor and don't affect the game at all.