
User Rating: 8.5 | Drakengard 2 PS2
Having played Drakengard 1 i see they focused on extra stuff, like the shop, attack moves, and allies.
Drakengard 2 surely lives up to its predecessor's reputation and gameplay.
Really good game, with action and history.
The plot is good, and has a link to the first game, a thing that normally games don't have, and when they do it sux.
The free expeditions come in handy( as always).
The addition of itens and acessories made the game more comfortable(how can I say this...better)
The only thing that Square Enix could have done is to maintain with the MUTE hero. Like Caim. I love that guy, he never talks(shame i can't say the same about his dragon). Nowe could spend less time talking and more acting, his dragon speaks for himself, once he always says the right thing.
Apart from that, i recommend you go and buy the game.