The first true RPG game for the NES! Great story and great weapon/item selection. The legend of Erdrick will live on!!!

User Rating: 9.8 | Dragon Quest NES
Being released in 1989 in the US, this game didn't fair too well EXCEPT in my house. I abolutely loved this game. I was 9 years old at the time, and I can remember coming home and playing the game for hours on end trying to find all of Erdrick's Equipment , saving King Lorik's daughter, Princess Gwaelin from the green dragon and finally defeating the Dragonlord and retaining the Orb of Light. Man those where the days. The game's graphic were great for it's time and the storyline was the 1st of it's kind. It was an awesome game that let you use your imagination to open the country of Alefgard. In all, this is a great game and will forever been known as the RPG that started it all! I just hope newer version of Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest) can dip back into it's roots and revive the legend of Erdrick and maybe awaken the Dragonlord once again!!!!!