This game is a classic and a must-have for RPG fans.

User Rating: 9 | Dragon Quest NES
In Japan, the game is known as Dragon Quest, and gained such immense popularity that sequels resulted in riots to obtain copies on release day. The game inspired countless RPGs and introduced the "slime", a novice enemy that you have to fight early on to level up. Dragon Warrior is the RPG that inspired Final Fantasy and countless other RPGs afterward. If you enjoy Final Fantasy, Baten Kaitos, Neverwinter Nights, Diablo, and countless other "Fight, level up, equip weapon, repeat" games, there is every reason to believe you will love this game, too.

You play the descendent of Erdrick, a legendary hero that defeated evil long ago. Now the Dragon King or some other such enemy has risen and kidnapped the princess who needs rescuing. The King enlists your help, shoves some gold your way, and you're off to battle monsters, search for hidden treasure, rescue a princess, and save the world. Hooray for you.

The graphics don't get any more simplistic, but the artwork is classic. The enemy designs are wonderful and probably as good as you will get on the NES. But most of the magic - like a good book - is left to the imagination. As great as that Erdrick's Armor is, you have no idea what it might look like. So you picture it in your head.

Fights occur in a turn-based combat system. You attack, they attack, you have unlimited time to decide on your next move. You will learn magic, you can run, and you can fight. Pretty simple, but some of the enemies (like the metal slime) can be tough.

The sound is representative of the 8-bit era, with a simple MIDI soundtrack that loops indefinitely and modest effects for scampering away from combat and slashing noises on the attack. The music does not get annoying, evoking the adventure tune of Zelda, becoming appropriately high-strung during a fight.

The game is tough, and will take you a lot of time to level-up and wander across the map. The random-encounter system of battling enemies can be tough, but adds to the tension of the game. Unfortunately, you can only save in town. Thankfully, there are items to help you out, such as the Wyvern's wing that instantly teleports you back to town.

If you've never played it and enjoy the hack/slash/level up/magic weapon genre, give it a try. The story is classic and challenging.