The first true RPG on the NES

User Rating: 8.5 | Dragon Quest NES
Before Final Fantasy, there was Dragon Warrior (known as Dragon Quest in Japan).

Who here remembers when Nintendo Power offered this gem of a game as a freebie for subscribing to their magazine? Wasn't that AWESOME?!

I had played Role Playing Games (RPGs) before this but never one actually on the NES. When I got my hands on it, I was instantly hooked.

Althought limited in levels and depth, this is a great RPG game to get introduced to for the NES. There is not a lot of plotline or story but ultimately you are a young knight on a quest to save the princess.

The graphics and game play, at its time, were excellent. Instead of Real Time, games in that era were mostly Turn based when dealing with combat, etc.

While this game will probably bore those who did not have a hands on with it while growing up, it is definitely an icon even to this day for a game that opened up the RPG genre to the USA.