Incredible story. Engaging action. Dragon Age:Origins for XBOX360 delivers despite some slightly disappointing visuals.

User Rating: 9 | Dragon Age: Origins X360
I got Dragon Age: Origins for the XBOX 360 and I'm only a little disappointed with the graphics. The visuals are weak considering it's from BioWare but the game is amazing enough for that to be a non-issue an hour into it. If you've played Mass Effect you'll recognize the interface and menu navigation down to the radial combat menu and inclusion of the codex . Not necessarily a bad thing. I know the reason for this is to utilize a system that proves it's viability in multiple applications but I like thinking of it as showing a bit of family resemblance. It would have been cool (and I think an appropriate fit) if the (or 'a') Mass Effect (style) dialogue system was implemented since your party members in Dragon Age have their own agendas and will agree and disagree with decisions you make. The interactive progression of conversations might have been dramatically more effective.
Production wise the game is definitely triple A; voice acting, cut scenes, the writing for all the reading material found throughout the game are all very well done. The characters are believable and everyone you meet genuinely belongs. The fact that the player character is silent was a bit of an issue for me. especially since during character creation your charged with selecting his/her voice type. I optimistically assumed that multiple hero voice-overs were recorded for dialogue alas it was only for combat and exploration like. I got over this though and was sucked into the story and action that was being hurled my way.
Dragon Age: Origins is a huge arrival to the libraries of the XBOX 360, Playstation 3 and PC. Clearly the PC version will be the version to covet since it will potentially boast the best visuals and the incredible editing tool set unavailable to the other two systems that allows the more creative among us (and even those that aren't) to dream up and build their own adventures and even share them a la Neverwinter Nights. But whatever system you own and if your even just slightly interested in RPGs, This is a must have game.