A worthy and fun addition to the DLC for Dragon Age

User Rating: 7.5 | Dragon Age: Origins - Leliana's Song PC
A worthy and fun addition to the DLC for Dragon Age - Leliana's Song delves into the touched-on story of Leliana and Marjolaine from the original game, providing the depth of backstory and ultimately Leliana's betrayal (I'm giving nothing away here by saying this).
It is fairly short - everything can be done in about 40 minutes - but is better than the Darkspawn DLC.
The game itself is excellently voice acted as ever, with the sexy French accent to the fore. The actual gameplay is totally linear, and a little easy at times, but this does not distract from the (again) very good storytelling.

The assumption is that this will be the first of the 'NPC Origins' DLCs - but then many of them had interesting back-stories, so maybe this isn't a bad thing.
This is an interesting little diversion that all owners of the original game will have fun with, albeit for a short time.