Not going to be everyone's cup of tea

User Rating: 9 | Dragon Age: Inquisition PC

I can see why Inquisition will split people up in a similar way that Dragon Age 2 did. The difference here, however, is that I feel the split this time around is more clear, and less vague. That is, I find it hard for anyone to really say this was a 'bad game' unless they are a hardcore gamer, because admittedly, the gameplay did take a turn for 'less strategic' and 'more action' oriented.

But why do I still like the game so much? Well, for starters, I'm not really a hardcore gamer, so I play these games more for story, characters, and ambiance than tactics. It was a little jarring at first, but pretty soon I found myself quickly adapting to the new style of play which emphasized flashiness and barriers (as opposed to healing). This honestly, in my opinion, was what saved the gameplay from becoming button mashing. Actually, I was really impressed with the barrier system; it was annoying not being able to heal, but it made battle more frantic and strategic in a 'different' way from other games that I soon found to be enjoyable. It was refreshing, and in a good way.

Dragon Age Inquisition is not without its faults. Probably the biggest issue it has is 'detail fatigue'. There really is...a bit, too much thrown at you in my opinion. The game easily loses focus because there are so many random quests that don't really 'feel' like quests, and more like busy work. This, in my opinion, is the game's greatest flaw.

But why give the game such a high score regardless? Well the thing is, it feels silly to punish a game for giving 'too much', when you can simply ignore the quests altogether, since they are, well, optional. Also, the story and characters. Man. They really got this one down. The formula just works; you really do 'feel' like what you do matters. The dialogue and character interactions are great as usual, and you feel connected to your people and party. The game took the 'cinematic effects' of Mass Effect games and really brought it to life in this DA installment. I was legitimately impressed with the 'aura' of the game; it felt very epic. Again, maybe a bit too much fat around the edges, but really, maybe I just stop spamming the 'search button' looking for every tiny little thing on the ground. Kind of my own fault in a way, haha.