All flashy visuals, all point-and-click combat, barely a "RPG".

User Rating: 1 | Dragon Age II PC
The title of this mini-review said all that needs to be said, but I should add a few more words because of the minimum word limit on reviews.

What can I say that you already don't know ?

- This game is just a cash-in on the success of the first Dragon Age.

- This game is a cheaply and quickly made product taking advantage of the engine developed for Dragon Age.

- Everything on this game is dumbed down to tailor the consoles for which it was primarily developed.

- Less races, less characters, less choices, less classes, less strategy, less story, less EVERYTHING than the first Dragon Age.

- If you enjoyed Dragon Age, you'll NOT necessarily enjoy this game.

The one point I give this game in my 1/10 score is because at least it's not another first-person shooter; if things keep going this way, that "honor" will fall to Dragon Age 3.