You will play it over and over again. One of the best RPGs I ever played. Instant classic

User Rating: 9.5 | Dragon Age II PC
Bioware done the story just right considering the challenges they had to overcome, although it is shorter than origins.
Combat: Redefining action RPG. Smooth combat with lots of visual effects. I am LOVING it. Also very responsive

Graphics: Runs very smooth at high graphics. You should be able to run it on (e.g: Nvidia geforce 8 series graphic cards)

Audio: Well what the heck it's done by bioware right? Well it could get better

Overall one of the best games i have ever played. Better than origins, better than Diablo ( you can somehow compare them) come on Game of the year 2011 auto-include.

Oh and almost forgot. Replay value: I don't know what to say here. Origins has a higher replay value and this comes from all the 8 (i think) different stories. You are somehow restricted to a human (male, female) but at least you can be a good respectful person or a dumb-ass. Your call here