I'll be blunt its a rather shallow fantasy RPG from what we expect from Bioware

User Rating: 6.5 | Dragon Age II PC
Ok so i got lots of time and nothing to do.... so im going to review stuff i've played

This game is an fantasy RPG, and its a...... decent one? its not great.... but its not bad either...

If you play it without considering the prequel (which by all means its superior from graphic level to the goddam character development) the only upside is the combat mechanics which are faster and more fluid

the story.... its an interesting ride, although it feels like your turist just passing by the town and your a hero because you kicked a bad guy in the nuts on the right moment..... No grand squeem, no evil masterplan. You just feel like you're stumbling on trouble, not because you had to.... More like....
You just happened to be a the wrong place at the wrong time!

now this was my review as a standalone game

As a sequel i would give it a 5.0

Seriously its a downgrade from the original.... Just because we have better mechanics its not an excuse to cut from graphics (ok actually this one is understandable) to the character customization/leveling/inventory (this one though no excuses)

seriously we have no control over the inventory of our companions like the original, tons of skills and spell combos were removed

and worst of all.... 2H swords now deal friendly fire. Yep you heard me.....

your companions feel rather bland but that might be the fanboy in me talking....
Still one thing i can not understand about this: You can only talk to your companions when THEY want to talk to you. What? so you only talk to me when you need a favor or someone dead?!

No amount of DLC has fixed my complains and the story still feels like i just keep tumbling and stepping on **** during my journey

Thats all thx for reading