Dragon Age II fails as a sequel, but it's a game still worth playing in its own right.

User Rating: 8 | Dragon Age II PC
If you're a die-hard fan of Origins, this game probably won't be to your taste. Some people have labeled this game a dumbed down version of its predecessor, and that's not totally wrong. As a sequel, this game just plain fails and will be very disappointing. However, that doesn't make it a bad game. In many respects, this game is a lot of fun. The combat is fast-paced and exciting but doesn't require nearly as much strategy or thought as Origins. The characters are just as interesting as any you'll find in a BioWare game, but they don't change throughout the course of the game. The story is interesting, but the choices you make in the game don't matter at all. All in all, I think this game is worth playing, but it's not nearly as good as Origins. If you go into the game with lowered expectations, you may still find there is fun to be had in this game.