Why the bad score? It's Double F'ing Dragon for goodness sake?!

User Rating: 5 | Double Dragon X360
I do not understand. This game is one of the pioneers in the Beat 'em up genre or the late 80s/early 90s. The review by gamepsot complains of the slow downs ok it does lag still but not worse it is about the same. I dunno to me it adds nostalgic value. If people were expecing a total revamp of this game then you shoudl ask Atlus to make a new 3D verison of this game like Final Fight did. But then again this would be Atlus producing this so watch out what you wish for. the fact of the matter is it's double Dragon. I do not udnerstand why this game is getting reviewed again. Tell Ziff Davis to pull out an ORIGINAL review of this game from back in the day and then let's see it. It certainly is better than the NES, Sega Master system and Genesis version I have played. All this game advertised previously was the fact that the graphics were enhanced that is it! No new features and it never spoke about if bugs were to be fixed or not. The game is short but then again so was the arcade game... again.. What do you expect?

I like this game because of the fact I can play with my buddy in England with this game wilst I am in Canada which I Love. Fact of the matter is these games should not be reviewed because they are not remakes but rather enhanced versions of the original and not an entire new product. so why would it be reviewed as such?

For thoise guys in their late 20s who remember playing this when they were less than 10 years old, buy it, bring over your buddies and let the nostalgia sink in.