User Rating: 8.9 | Double Dragon Advance GBA
If you pumped quarters into the classic Double Dragon arcade game growing up you will LOVE this game. I have it for my Game Boy Advance SP and it is a blast. If you can hook up with a friend then it would be even better. I love Double Dragon. I grew up playing this game in the arcade and this version combines the best aspects of all the Double Dragon games. You will see characters found in different Double Dragon games plus all new ones and brand new stages. So while it follows the arcade classic it still offers plenty of new content to satisfy even the most die hard Double Dragon fan. Kudos to the developers of this game. The graphics are great, and the gameplay is even better. The "agent" styled baddies will make you think of Matrix. This is Double Dragon at its finest. You couldn't ask for a better translation and update to a classic brawler. This game will remain one of my all time favorites.