To say double dragon 2 for nes was just a mediocre beatemup is far from true this game defined a generation, still does.

User Rating: 10 | Double Dragon II: The Revenge NES
I remember this game so well not just in its beginnings but also when I played this game non-stop on nesticle or some other emulator. I still don't quite understand why the developers decided to go all out and make this version exceedingly better than the arcade version just blows my mind really.

Basically for gameplay you start off in a urban setting and everything is just quaint, two guys come cartwheeling at you and this is when you know you're in for some awesome almost real life fighting physics and the such. Punching and backkicking seemed to be where it was at in this version of the game. You could essentially charge at anyone with such crazy walking speeds and take out enemies like no other fighter on any system. I feel kind of sorry for people that didn't play this game in the past and play all those crappy fighters of nowadays.

Graphics are the best I've seen in any fighting game ever, simply complacent to what I've allways liked. The post apocalyptic backgrounds are exceedingly amazing no other fighting game has these attention to details like double dragon 2 you should be ashamed if you put down the graphics.

Sound: Best there is in any video I've ever played simply no comparison in any way it can't be beaten unless you are some whiney ****

Value: 10 this game will allways be a classic in everyones beatemup collection add it and enjoy the beatemup entertainment.

Reviewers Tilt: Maybe it's the ending or how the whole game works out to such a climax, definitely a 10. Final Fight can lick my balls hard and everyone who likes that **** can burn in hell, DOUBLE DRAGON! 2. The Revenge.