The bloodiest game of all time!The gore-fest continues on Earth...

User Rating: 8 | DOOM II PC
This is the most violent game ever!Even more more violent that any of the MK's or others...but anyways,to make a comparison,the movie The Exorcist is 10x times scarrier than Doom 2 so there's nothing to be afraid of.nevermind.
the burning legions of hell are unleashed on earth-what an apocaliptic panorama!our hero,our space marine must overcome his issues once again to save out beloved home,just like Arnold Schwarzanneger does in most of his movies-he single-handledy killed a military base in Commando...
Doom 2-Hell on Earth is 3x times bloodies than than the original Doom.
There are 30 levels:
1-Entryway/2-Underhalls/3-The Gauntlet/4-The Focus/5-The Waste tunnels/6-The Crusher/7-Dead simply/8-Tricks & traps/9-The Pit/10-Refueling base/11-"O"of destruction/12-The Factory/13-Downtown/14-The Inmost dens/15-Industrial zone/16-Suburbs/17-Tenements/18-The Court-yard/19-The Citadel/20-Gotcha!/21-Nirvana(my favourite band:)/22-The Catacombs/23-Barrels o' fun/24-The Chasm/25-Bloodfalls/26-The Abandoned mines/27-Monster Condo/28-The Spirit world/29-The living end/30-Icon of Sin.
2 bonus levels:Grosse & Wolfenstein!
This game won't let you even breed air,it's total anarchy!Most of the time,you will be shooting non-stop,i repeat non-stop,i've never met anything like this!The enemies are everywhere...hundreds,thousands!
A new weapon in the series is the double-barrel shotgun,possibly my all-time favourite weapon.when i play doom2,i use this weapon 90% of the time,it's super-awesome,you fell great power when you fire that weapon:)
Like a paradox,this game is sometimes boring,when all the monsters in the level are killed & you still linger in the mazes of the usual,there are the yellow,blue & red cards that you need to find in the game to open doors.there are also a lot of secrets,secret passages,tunnels,areas.
The graphics are specific to the MS-DOS system.The music rocks!The gameplay is normal.
My favourite monster in the game is Mancubus,a big brown monster that fires with...well,fire!The final level,Icon of sin,is like a disco-party where the Big-bad boss is the dj:)He wants me to dance on his music.You begin the level in a chamber ammo full!Then you will walk in the arena of death!A gigantic-thing-which throws cubes through a shaft.Those cubes when arive on the amphitheater,they transform into monsters.That thingy in the wall launches non-stop those cubes & the whole place will turn into seconds into a carnage disco-ring:)you will be surrounded by all the monsters in the game.i didn't knew how to end this so i entered the invincibility cheat,i really couldn't do it:(
So,our hero manages to kill all the monsters,to get Earth rid of all the aliens.End of story(to be continued in Final Doom)