Demon Shredder, hell tearing kind of massacre.

User Rating: 9 | DOOM Eternal PC

DOOM Eternal is a constant battle in glorious multi tiered arenas that require you to jump about, dash and tear through hordes of demon class using a different variety of weapons. The armor drops, health and ammo pick-ups require you to shred enemies with various weapons and tactics in order to get them.

Traversing on this journey of demon killing spree, the Doom Slayer is armed with an arsenal of weapons that can be upgraded by finding various collectibles. The environments also require you to solve puzzles of navigation using monkey bars, sticky climb walls and double jump dashes in mid-air to reach the next level of the arena. With a backdrop storyline that is just there to keep you mildly informed as to why this carnage is absolutely necessary, the boss fights are a brilliant design in this game. The final boss fight alone is worth playing this game. It's epic in every Doom sense. You are constantly on your toes and moving around trying to figure out who to take on, with which weapon & all the while various enemies keep spawning and overwhelming the battlefield.

Took me around 18 hours to go through this blood spattering, flesh tearing, mind numbing & beautiful game. The soundtrack is just the perfect death metal rage.