The first PC game I ever played

User Rating: 9.2 | DOOM: Collector's Edition PC
What can I say about Doom? It gave me nightmares the first time I played it when I was 5. You could say my love of Doom was forged from fear itself. Doom is what made me decide I would be a gamer. My granddad and I used to argue over who could kick a Spiderdemon's ass faster(he could).

The gameplay for Doom was fantastic. What really kept doom alive for me was the 3d model you could download for it. The gameplay hasn't suffered a bit over the span of over a decade. The only complaint, which was too small to even register on the scale was that you couldn't jump. Personally, I never thought of jumping when I was getting my ass shot at by 20+ former humans, a common occurance.

Graphics: 5
Even with the 3d models, doom looks dated. If you want to buy a game based only on how it looks, steer clear of this.

Sound: 9
The sound is immersive. It may sound old at times, but I guarantee that the sound gives you what you need to hear, and a track of 20 different Midi tracks to go along with it. That may not be impressive now, but in 1995, it was a godsend.

Doom hasn't lost a bit of the value it had when it first came out. It may not sell like a collectors edition(Thank God!), But it sure as hell plays like one!

Tilt: 10
I admit it. I am biased towards Doom. I won't change my mind any time soon because this is the first game I ever played. It holds many memories for me, and for that I'll always love doom.