Remember the first time you played doom? We all do - you owe it to yourself to get this

User Rating: 10 | DOOM: Collector's Edition PC
Having all of the games of the first truly 3d fps series, which are still played although they are more than a decade old, feels great. There is no beating doom collector's edition. It has all the episodes and levels, and considering how much you can customize the game, damn it get the game!!

gameplay: 10. Its just classic, and you don't have to worry about looking up and down. Strafing around corners has never been so fun.

Graphics: If you turn up the resolution, the game looks great. The sprites (monsters and items) are still cool looking and everything (plus you can draw your own)

Sound: the classic sounds and tunes will keep you coming back

Value: 10.

Tilt: 10

everything is a 10. (the graphics were amazing for back than, and you can turn up the resolution and it can look much better)