The Original Doom Trilogy in one box. 'nuff said.

User Rating: 9.4 | DOOM: Collector's Edition PC
Personally, I never played the original 3 Doom games, so this was a 1st experience for me. Needless to say, old but gold none the less. The graphics, even from a current standpoint, aged pretty well. (yes, I played a demo of Heretic, which used the same graphics engine as the Original Doom games) Imps are quite ugly, though personally a tad tame looking compared to Doom 3. The Pinky, you want to blast that twit. Hell Barons (as I call them) look evil, and deserve the "Meat Shield" status. Cacodemons, well it's a floating ball with a spike like exterior, eyes, and a mouth. Lost Souls, they look like flaming skulls and are tougher. (Point-Blank Shotgun blast doesn't make a 1 hit kill) The weapons, they look good too although a bit basic. (esp. the BFG) Overall, Ultimate Doom did pose a good challenge on "Hurt Me Plenty", Doom II I'm in the midst of, and Final Doom is gonna wait. (a freaken Mancubus on the 1st level of the Plutonia episode) Personally though, took a little while to get used to the old school controls, as I am used to the WSAD format. Course, nothing gets past me control wise, unless they flat out suck. (not the case here) The sounds, pretty good coming from 10+ year old games. Don't walk, run to your nearest store. Run like there's a Cyber-Demon chasing you and a copy of Doom Collector's Edition is a fully stocked BFG 9000.

P.S. The games have been patched up to be XP compatible. Proof: I have XP installed.